Tuesday 17 August 2010

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap......

It really is ONE MONTH TODAY.

Up until now, I've protected myself from this concept on the basis that it wasn't until after my holiday, so therefore I didn't need to worry about it. I've now been back from holiday over a week and very much am worrying about it now.

I've hit panic mode in terms of the gym, a bit like cramming for exams I suppose, probably won't make a blind bit of difference but it makes me feel better. 3 nights a week, with two long walks every weekend is the plan.... though I've got to squeeze football in too, naturally.

I've had several injections over the last week, with a few more in a couple of weeks time, as well as some drugs to take with me. Some to try and combat the dreaded altitude sickness, the others to stop me getting malaria. The GP advised me the best way to avoid that was to avoid being bitten. Yeah nice one Doc, what other bit of insightful advice have you got for me...... avoid being run over? avoid falling out of the plane? avoid being eaten by a lion? That's why they pay him the big bucks I guess.

Off to the Tanzanian Embassy in the morning to get my Visa, I could have done it by post but it all seemed too complicated, so thought I'd get it done in person, then I've got to get my final few bits and pieces and I'm all set.


I'm going to visit the Pickering Centre the day I fly out to Africa, hopefully that will give me a last minute reminder of why I am doing this and the momentum to get me through it.

I intend to write one more blog before I go, probably the night before, and then my lovely wife will update the facebook group with news of my progress as she receives it from me via text (hopefully!).

So next time I write, I will be packed and ready to go...... physically at least.

Kilimanjaro Kev.