Friday 29 January 2010

Oh dear, it's this year.

The knee is doing really well, zero pain now, just a bit clunky. The leg muscles are almost visible to the naked eye now too so that's got to be a good sign.

Had a bit of falling-over-in-the-snow moment which resulted in extremely sore ribs for both me (from the fall) and for the wife (from the laughing) which stopped me from training for a week or two, but no long term damage.

Going to the shops tomorrow to buy some walking boots, not a sentence I ever imagined myself saying/typing, but I've been advised from all angles that its essential I get them right and get them early and then wear them as much as I can..... hmmmm, I hope they do them with velcro fastenings, laces do my head in (no I'm not 5, just a smidge lazy).

Over £800 raised so far, which is a decent start, but still over £2.5k to go, so I've every intention to ramp up the fund raising activity now, I've even agreed to do a car boot sale which is second on the list of things I never thought I'd say. Why do they have be on so early, seriously, why?

So be prepared to be peppered for sponsor requests from yours truly, I don't apologise for it, its the only time I've ever done it and its for a bloody good cause so in the immortal words of Bob Geldof "give us yer fecking money" ;-)

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